Sunday 9 September 2012

Bye - been nice knowing you . . . And thanks for everything . .

I've been toying the with the idea of closing this blog for ages. I hardly every write anything on it nowadays. It seems a bit pointless to just add some inane post once in a blue moon merely to keep the illusion of being an active blogger.

I really enjoyed it when I began but really feel I have nothing useful to add at the moment.

If I feel moved to ever start blogging again, I think I would rather start afresh with a completely new blog, probably with different content.

I have really appreciated the support from other bloggers. I know one or two have even kindly added my blog to their blog rolls so obviously now is the time to remove the link. Thanks.

I'll still be around on Twitter @idlerambler and promise to keep checking on all the blogs of those I have always followed.


Londiniensis said...


kee said...

Hello! or should I say goodbye?
I'm sorry to hear you are closing your blog. It has been nice getting to know you and following your colourful posts even though I am a bit hit and miss with keeping up with blogs and Twitter and the like with big gaps and pauses.
Hope all is well with you and your lads.