Saturday 15 January 2011

Fantastic . . . !

(Photo credit: Catholic Church in England & Wales)
What a day! Our Eldest was out of the house before me this morning - must be a first as Saturday is usually his day for a long lie-in. The reason for his early rising? To get to Westminster Cathedral in time to get a seat for the Ordination of the first priests of the new Ordinariate. And he was successful.

I on the other hand was busy here but not half as busy as in the Newton, Burnham and Broadhurst households I'll warrant. We prayed for the Ordinands at Mass this morning and afterwards I was able to have a quick look at Twitter on my phone and see how things were going. Isn't Twitter great? It's like having your own hotline to special events. With @AnnaArco, @PeterDCXW, @blondpidge et al tweeting from Westminster, you could get a sense of the excitement there.

It's amazing how fast things have moved; from being received into the Catholic Church on 1st January, ordained Deacons two weeks later and today being ordained Catholic priests.

Congratulations to the first members of the new Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham; Fr Keith Newton, the newly appointed Ordinary; Fr Andrew Burnham and Fr John Broadhurst. Plus of course continued prayers as they continue on their historic journey.

There are lots of interesting articles appearing all over the Internet even as I write. You might like to look at the homily here given by Archbishop Vincent Nichols at today's ordinations.


Catholic Student said...

I was there! What a remarkable event it was! Hearing of the establishing of the Ordinariate of our Lady of Walshingham, and then of how Bl John Henry Newman is the patron was wonderful!

I should write a blog post of my own...

Idle Rambler said...

How exciting for you Catholic Student! Yes, you should write about your personal impressions of that historic day. I look forward to reading it.