Friday 5 August 2011

29 days and counting . . .

Well, I'm ready, are you?

One of the reasons I went up to the 'big bad city' on my day off the other week was to have a mooch around the CTS bookshop and St Paul's Bookshop by the cathedral.

Of course the main reason was to spend the day with Our Youngest and give his new abode the once-over, but the bookshop thing was also quite important.

As soon as I saw the Order of Mass book that Our Eldest had received through the post, I reverted to my childhood and almost stamped my foot and said, à la Violet Elizabeth Bott, I want one, I want it now and if I don't get one 'I'll sthcream and sthcream 'till I'm thick!'

No need for any screaming, you'll be pleased to know. I came home with several useful little booklets including those pictured above. Now I'm counting the days until the first Sunday in September when we begin using the New Translation of the Missal.

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