Friday 18 April 2008

All packed and ready to go!

I'm so pleased with myself. I just tried experimenting with taking a photo and sending it directly to my blog, and it worked! I never cease to be amazed at what one can do with modern technology! That's enough exclamation marks for now. We're off to Paris.

All packed and ready to go. Just waiting for the taxi and wondering why, as usual, my bag is so heavy despite my best intentions to 'travel light'.

A bientot.


Lil said...

Very neat and organised at the start of your trip!
Really like to have a run down of what occurrred when our siblings were 'misplaced'temporarily in France!
Short & Verse has been posted on Amazon books ( Third party sellers)

Idle Rambler said...

Congrats on Short & Verse being posted on Amazon. Shall investigate the site.
Also will let you have more info re 'lost and found' siblings