Wednesday 23 April 2008

Theatre trip

It's been a busy few days since we got back from Paris. We had a Teams meeting the day after we returned and we were hosting it. Then yesterday we were joining an outing with friends to see the musical Chicago in London. Having been fortified by a large lunch we boarded the coach at Epsom at about 5pm and set off for London. We made very good time and so arrived in London in time to have some pre-show refreshments in a pub within shouting distance of the theatre. What a pleasure it is now not to have to worry about choosing a pub with a no-smoking area - a rare thing not so long ago. Quite a busy pub with a mixture of theatre goers and people relaxing after work before making the journey home. Also the weather fine enough for the more hardy to sit outside with their drinks.

I'm not quite sure what they're discussing here but it's obviously very serious judging by their expressions. Or maybe they're just comparing their 'toys'.

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