Sunday 1 June 2008

Epsom Derby

Most days I drive past Epsom racecourse, either on my way back from work on on my way into Epsom town.

Usually I take a slight detour on the way home just to enjoy the view over Epsom Downs, even on a dull and damp day, it can be quite beautiful.

All this changes however for about ten days or so every year as Derby Day approaches. First of all we see the uninterrupted view impeded by the erection of a variety of fences, wooden and metal, this is followed by an 'eruption' of hospitality tents and finally the fairground people move in with their assortment of 'rides' and hot dog vans etc.

Nevertheless, Epsom racecourse during the 2 day Derby meeting is well worth a visit. I think Epsom is unique in that the racecourse is situated in the middle of a public area. On every other day of the year, when passing the racecourse, you see people out walking, with or without dogs; kite-flyers; model aeroplane enthusiasts; people enjoying a picnic (or sledging when we have enough snow!) or just enjoying the view. Not on the racetrack itself of course!

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