Saturday 7 November 2009

Counting sheep or praying the Rosary . . .

I haven't been sleeping very well recently - too many things on my mind and the PF is away on business.

I know I'm not the only one but it was an odd coincidence to discover that a fellow sufferer at the moment was also someone whose blog I've only recently come across thanks to a link from Catholic and Loving It! Saintos is a Catholic cartoon blogger. Go on over and have a look at Drawn to Catholicism if you haven't done so already.

Interesting too that Saintos also turns to prayer in the middle of the night. I usually pray a decade of the Rosary. Another coincidence - he's a convert too.

I also find counting sheep backwards works for me. I don't know why but I find if I begin with 200 sheep (imaginary ones, we do live in the heart of suburban Surrey, after all!) and count down slowly I never remember getting further than about 80 before I've nodded off.


Anonymous said...

Thanks. I am going to try counting sheep backwards from 200. Hope it works for me too. Best wishes.

baby brother said...

"away on business" I thought PF was supposed to be retired!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely to know you say a decade of the Rosary when you'r awake at night. As for the sheep , try getting them through a narrow gap into another field , I can never manage it....sleeeeeeeeeeeepy.

Idle Rambler said...

Well BB, the Pater Familias has a different understanding of the word 'retirement' to you or me!

To be fair, he's always said that when he 'retired' he would work for himself and that's what he's doing now.

Idle Rambler said...

Yes, Anon, often it's the whole 5 decades - but there's always so much to pray for so it's not time wasted, that's for sure.

As for the sheep, mine are very obliging about going where I want them to, I just keep losing count as I get sleepier - I suppose that's the idea! :)

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Praying the Rosary is a great idea if you can't get to sleep.

I've done it often.

And don't worry if you fall asleep before you've finished, because your Guardian Angel will finish your prayers for you.

God bless.

Mary said...

Ok frist I have to say that I have also had a hard time with sleeping this weekend. so your not a lone on that one.