Sunday 27 February 2011

What is it about Sundays . . .?

Looking back over some of my earlier posts, it occurs to me that Sundays are often days full of good news and optimism. So they should be, I suppose, being the Lord's day.

Today, we set off to Mass in lovely sunshine, an almost Spring-like day, admiring the growing number of flowers now suddenly appearing. I spotted a hellebore in our front garden. Often commonly called a Lenten Rose, it's timing almost spot-on.

I noticed too that some of the buds on our camellia are beginning to open with a hint of pink showing and promise of a great display.

We have daffodils just open in time for St David's Day on Tuesday. I'm noticing more and more how nature's calendar seems to fit in with the liturgical year.

Unfortunately the rain has now set in but that has meant I could tackle the ironing and then catch up on what's happening in the blogosphere without feeling that I should be doing some tidying up in the garden.

More good news from the Ordinariate Portal as more Anglican clergy have publicly announced their intention to resign and begin the process of reception into the Full Communion with the Catholic Church and eventual ordination as priests in the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.

Great news!


kee said...

I'm a fan of those hellebores too. They are quietly beautiful, don't you think?
Is that little flower from your garden?

We had a lovely sunny day here too and as I opened the curtains this morning I thought to myself that there seems to be something in the air on Sundays. Maybe just because the road is quieter...

or maybe it's because, as you point out, it is the Lord's Day.

Good to hear about the Ordinariate, although I'm not sure I understand about it completely. Our media here don't 'do' good news stories about the Catholic Church! Must research it myself.

Idle Rambler said...

No, Kee, I'm afraid that's not my photo but I chose it because that flower is absolutely identical to the one in our garden. The rain began before I got around to taking photos yesterday!

The Ordinariate certainly is very encouraging. Do have a look at the Ordinariate Portal when you have time. It's very informative.