Friday 3 June 2011

Damme - bicycles, canals and a windmill; typical Flanders . . .

Give me a lovely day out over a longer holiday any day! I love having a day out. It doesn't much matter where but yesterday was one of the extra special kind as we went to meet friends and family for lunch in Damme which is not far from Brugges/Bruges in Belgium.

We didn't plan for our visit to coincide with Ascension Day (naturally, they keep it on the proper day!) but it worked out that way so we decided to avoid the crowds in Brugges and went to the nearby small town of Damme. It's a beautiful small town built around two canals.

Being a public holiday the town was full of people relaxing and enjoying their day of leisure, and . . . more bicycles than you could imagine.

We had a delicious lunch in a restaurant called De Spieghel. Named after the fictitious prankster Till Euelenspiegel (German spelling). Roughly translated this means owlglass. You may be familiar with the orchestral work by Richard Strauss based on this story.

There is an amusing statue of Till Eulenspiegel complete with mirrors and some animal friends looking over the canal in Damme.

And the beautiful church of Our Lady.

If you're looking for a slightly different day out for a treat, I'd recommend a visit. We went with the car via Eurotunnel and it's just about an hour and a quarter's drive from the terminal to Brugges and nearby Damme. If, like us, you live in the south of England, it's a very easy journey.

No, I'm not working for the Damme tourist board but I like to share good things!


Anonymous said...

What lovely photos, thank you. It seems you had a lovely day.

kee said...

What a lovely treat! Yes, day trips are great- but there aren't many that can bring you into another country! My hubbie and I always think it sounds so nice to be able to 'pop over' to the Continent like that! (*trying v hard not to be ever so slightly jealous*) ;)