Monday 27 June 2011

Photos - just for the fun of it . . .

Life's been a bit hectic lately and no time to think about blogging but this evening I grabbed a few minutes to have a look at the garden close up and take a few photos. Mainly for the family and people who like photos of flowers.

Please feel free to click away at this point if you fit into neither of the categories above . . .

OK then, for anybody who might be left, here goes . . .

An exuberant camellia.

A hydrangea in hiding . . .

. . . and delightful dahlias.

I think this combination of fuchsias and lavender really works well.

Lovely old-fashioned roses.

And some not quite so old-fashioned.

I was pleased with this shot. Not bad considering it was taken with a basic 'point and shoot' camera, and through a window.

Oh, yes, and we had a lovely Corpus Christi procession on Sunday too!

1 comment:

Big Brother said...

I'm "green" with envy!

The only thing that seems to grow well in my garden is weeds (and runner beans...)