I've been so busy following World Youth Day on Social Media and the live streaming on the Internet, I haven't had time to blog about it at the same time.
As one who is well past 'Youth' I nevertheless found it an amazing experience. It was so uplifting, so encouraging and so energising to see so many young people from all around the world who are enthusiastic about their faith.
I found all the liturgies very moving in different ways; from the exuberance of the opening Mass to the amazing closing Mass and of course the Vigil and Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. To see over a million youngsters in the aerodrome at Cuatro Vientos and the transformation from a jubilant carnival-like atmosphere having welcomed Pope Benedict, to a sea of silently adoring youngsters on their knees as the Blessed Sacrament was exposed in the amazing monstrance was a truly incredible sight.
I could go on and on . . . The beautiful Stations of the Cross with the transportable Pasos; the Holy Father struggling against the buffeting winds of the storm at Cuatro Vientos (it looked as if all four winds were making their presence felt); the young people so happy to be there with Pope Benedict that they seemed quite oblivious of the downpour; the beautiful singing of the Gospel at the Welcoming Liturgy by Ordinariate Deacon James Bradley etc. etc.
There are many videos, photos and blogs of the whole World Youth Day event in Madrid but it's interesting to hear some of the statistics now in the calm which has descended.
2,000,000 participants . . . 14,000 priests . . . 800 bishops . . . 192 nations . . .
Yes it was wonderful. I didn't catch as much of it as I would have liked, but whenever I did, the joy and enthusiasm of the young people was such a lovely sight. It gives us reason for hope. :)
I am glad you gave the statistics.
The one disappointmemt was the coverage by the BBC which was negligible. That small bit that there was was disgracefully biassed.
If you wish to register a complaint, yo can do so very easily at:
Et Expecto,
Yes, I agree the BBC's coverage was woefully scant.
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