Monday, 25 August 2008

39 steps - actually it's nearer 260!

We missed our usual Sunday stroll yesterday as we were glued to the TV like real 'couch potatoes' watching the end of the Olympics so we decided to have a longer walk today.

I always say you've got to have the correct footwear for walking, even if it is just a short walk so it's shoes off and boots on.

Mark in front of the view point. You could see a fair way even though it was a bit hazy.

You can clearly see the cricket green in this shot, but no cricketers!

Yes, Mark, it is a lot of steps - about 260 - I counted. We did get to the bottom eventually.

Come on then, aren't you joining me?

Well, once you're half way over, you just have to carry on, don't you. The water level was quite high today but we managed to cross the river without a splash (unlike the boy who was swinging on the rope swing just out of the picture - but then I expect he wanted to end up 'in the drink'!)

We came back over the river by the footbridge.

If you climb down 260 steps, of course you have to climb back up 260 - even if it does feel like at least double that!
All in all, a nice little outing and much better than sitting around at home wasting the holiday.

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