Monday 27 October 2008

Manchester . . . and back

Can you believe it - after thinking about it several times during the week, and reminding others not to forget - guess who forgot to put their watches back on Saturday night?? Luckily nothing was lost by this (apart from an extra hour's sleep!)
After a leisurely breakfast - one of the best things about staying in an hotel, I think - we set off to visit a local beauty spot, Lyme Park.

It was a glorious, bright but cold morning as we left Manchester and arrived at our destination but about 10 minutes after we'd begun climbing the up the hill to 'The Cage' to admire the view, the heavens opened and we were soaked.

The photo shows the really leaden sky - this sort of weather in these sort of places always make me think of a scene from Wuthering Heights or Jane Eyre or similar novels where the heroine finds herself on some bleak, barren moor in the middle of terrible weather. You expect to bump into some romantic hero complete with riding breeches at any moment!

We 'repaired to a local hostelry' as they might have said in one of these novels; had a lovely warming lunch and also took the opportunity to change into dry clothes.
The weather on the journey home was also very mixed and we saw a splendid rainbow - the second one that day. The photo doesn't do it justice but it's not bad considering it was taken through a car window and travelling at speed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cindy, you should get a prize for that photo' of the rainbow. I'm sure Simon was delighted with your visit. I hope you've gained on that lost hour!!