Thursday 16 October 2008

'Noises Off ' and Noses on ....

We've had a lot of social events in the last week - a very enjoyable dinner at the local Golf Club in support of our Parish Golf Day to raise funds for our parish school's new building; a company dinner at a local hotel and a trip to the theatre. This last is the 'Noises Off' referred to in the title of this post.

This was an hilarious farce which we went to on a 'works' outing' organised by Atkins. We went with friends and arrived early enough to have a delicious Italian meal before the performance in a nearby restaurant. As I said, the play was side-splitting - I really felt as if my sides were splitting! We all said we hadn't laughed so much and for so long for a very long time. In fact I was reduced to tears, and I wasn't the only one.

As for 'Noses on' I got a clean bill of health from the 'chest man' at our local hospital. He told me I had a 'good pair of lungs'. I must say I had never doubted this for a minute! He suggested my persistent cough may well be caused by 'post-nasal drip' (they've got names for everything, haven't they??) which means that I'm probably allergic to something common like house dust - no chance of eliminating that then!!!

Not standing much chance of eliminating the cause, it just leaves treating the symptoms and I think I'd rather put up with a cough than start spraying things up my nose every day from now on!

I'm just glad my nose is not on the scale of the little fellow pictured above - just think of the 'post-nasal drip' he could suffer from - more like a 'post-nasal deluge'!

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