Friday 17 October 2008

Patience for patients ....

I like to think I'm a fairly patient sort of person ... I'm usually quite happy sitting waiting for an appointment/bus/train (insert example of choice here!) Provided I am actually sitting - I'm not keen on standing around for too long.

Today I had a dental appointment and I left the surgery after an hour having run out of patience altogether. I obviously don't have an endless supply, after all!

I had arrived a few minutes early as I really dislike rushing into anything at the last moment. I sat patiently as people around me were called in to see different dentists/hygienists and subsequently leave the surgery.

Eventually after about half an hour, I politely asked by how long the appointments were running late. I knew there was a mistake straight away as the receptionist asked who I was waiting to see and then disappeared with my notes in her hand.

Computer 'glitch' apparently was the cause of the problem, it hadn't registered that I had checked in. Now don't you think that one of the receptionists who could see me at all times would have asked themselves (and me) what time my appointment was or if there was problem?

Anyway, still being patient and understanding I agreed to wait a few more minutes as the dentist would see me in 5 minutes.

I'm afraid that after having sat there for an hour, I actually ran out of patience and approached the reception desk and requested another appointment on another day as I could wait no longer.

Sorry about the rant. I look forward to a better experience next week - I hope!

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