Saturday 13 December 2008

What a shock ....

What a shock to be told out of the blue that the local supermarket had been burnt to the ground overnight.

Apparently the fire started at about a quarter to nine last night and quickly took hold and, following a large explosion, it soon became obvious that the shop would be impossible to save and the fire crews concentrated on trying to prevent the fire spreading to the many nearby buildings, both residential and commercial. Some local residents had to leave their homes for safety.

Fire crews were still on site on Saturday morning.

We ourselves were in Banstead last night at the parish penitential service but as we don't have to pass through the High Street to get to church, we had no idea of what was happening 'just down the road' whilst we were in church.

It's very lucky indeed that nobody was injured in this serious fire. Nevertheless it will be a great blow to the local community, not just the staff who worked there but all the local shoppers too. There is no other comparable supermarket in the village.

Further details including a video can be see on on the BBC website here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My favourite store and such 'genteel' and well trained staff, thank God no one was hurt. I am sorry for 'local' shoppers who relied on the store, and especially those who don't drive. I very much hope that we will have a new store soon. Every good wish to the excellent staff.