Friday 9 January 2009

It's in the genes, I'm sure !

I have a thing about scarves/pashminas/wraps the way some women have a thing about shoes or handbags. No matter how many I accumulate, there's always room for another one and whenever I’m out shopping you can guarantee I’ll see another that I must have of a different colour, design or material.

I’m convinced that shopping is part of the female genetic make-up. Why is it, I wonder, that the ‘shopping gene’ is so dominant in the female of the species and so recessive in the male - almost to the point of being non-existent!

No matter how busy we are, if a friend suggests going for a coffee and a bit of window shopping, most of my female friends wouldn’t hesitate more than a few minutes before gladly changing their plans and going along. In the same way, I suspect most males would rather have teeth pulled without an anaesthetic.

Of course like all generalisations I acknowledge that there are exceptions and I do know women who loathe shopping in any form and vice versa.

Strange, how the idea of doing the weekly supermarket shop doesn’t have quite the same appeal!


Anonymous said...

Really Miss Ellen good to see part of your collection ; do I see Armani labels there !!

Idle Rambler said...

I wish!!