Tuesday 19 May 2009

Garden - by request . . .

I don't know whether it's the Chelsea Flower Show or what that prompted it but I had an email from my brother today saying, 'Nothing on your blog for ages about the garden. Something must be growing surely!'

And he's quite right of course. I must say the garden's not looking at its best at the moment. We seem to have had a lot of cool, wet weather recently and I can't say I've been tempted to go out there and do much about the weeds which are flourishing.

I decided I'd take a walk around our little patch with my camera and just snap at whatever I could find. It's amazing when you look at the results, how much there is growing after all.

Of course at this time of year, lots of plants are putting on a bit of a spurt and there are several things that look quite promising given a bit of sunshine (please!) in the next few weeks.

Plus of course, that's the beauty of photographs. You can edit out all the weedy, untidy bits and make out it's all glorious!

Fortunate too today that Signor Vivaldi was free and able to accompany my stroll with the camera. I know the music's a bit of a cliché but I hope you enjoy the slide show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do I feel a garden party coming on ?