A spokeswoman for the company said the use of proper nouns would "add a new dimension" to Scrabble and "introduce an element of popular culture into the game".
People's names, place names and brand names will now be permitted. Shame, I say!
I wonder if text spelling will be allowed in the next 'makeover'?
Apologies for the inverted 'S' in the photo. I only realised after I'd put the board away that I'd placed the tile upside down for the photo. It's not my misuse of the apostrophe!!
Very amusing... especially the greengrocers' apostrophe!
Oh, you have those greengrocers too! :-)
Agree. What's the point.
"Sheniqua" and "Shenniq'a" and all permutations are now legit.
on the plus side "ZZYZX" as my favorite place name is now legit. I suppose in theory there aren't enough "Z"s in the box, but I can use the blank as a "Z" and then lay an "N" sideways - then start to cry if my opponent protests and then claim "oppressed woman" status if the ball doesn't bounce my way.
Good grief. What in Hades is the world coming to?
I am changing my name to Gxyzkquy.
How many points is that? And it's easier to pronounce than my real name!
You know if you did not say anything about it the "S" we would not have seen it
Oh Yes Just so you know I will be keeping my blogspot account open but as you know I will be bloging over at www.theeyesinwhichiseetheword.wordpress.com
In the same vein, I wonder if the Football Association (or FIFA) will be persuaded to widen goals to double present size?
I think we shall stick to 'House Rules' : viz. if it's not in the Shorter OED then it isn't allowed, except for plurals of nouns.
Also, if you resort to the Dictionary and are proved wrong, then you lose 10 points.
A persuasive reason for brushing up on one's English !
(I'll accept Merriam-Webster or F&W as acceptable equivalents for our US friends, although I still think that the OED is better, of course !)
It's interesting to see that most of my blogging friends are similarly unimpressed with Mattel's proposed 'dumming down' of the game.
I'll be sticking to the original rules if anyone wants to play. I shall pull the old, 'It's my game, so we play by my rules' trick! :0)
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