Saturday 3 April 2010

Waiting . . .

I had very little time, nor inclination if I'm honest, to blog yesterday or even switch on the computer.

After a beautiful Holy Thursday liturgy including an excellent homily, both of which I found incredibly moving, I eventually got home about 20 minutes after Midnight.

Leaving an empty church - empty in every sense of the word, is very strange. No Blessed Sacrament, naturally; no adornment of any kind; no candles; the altar stripped bare and the crucifixes and statues still veiled really left me feeling bereft.

Our Good Friday followed much the same pattern as it has for the past twenty years or so. We began in the morning by joining the ecumenical Walk of Witness through the High Street following a large wooden Cross and stopping at various 'Stations' along the way for a short meditation. Despite the weather forecast we escaped without a drop of rain and I think we had an even larger crowd this year than last.

Then home for a short break before going to church in the afternoon for the Veneration of the Cross.

Today is very much a day of waiting, I feel. In church we have the Office of Readings in the morning and then the church is invaded by florists and other helpers who begin preparing for the culmination of the Triduum this evening, the Easter Vigil.

So, I have found an odd hour this afternoon to try and put a few words down about the Triduum and how we have celebrated so far.


Dominic Mary said...

A lovely picture of an effective and affecting Triduum : as they should all be, but sadly aren't.

Thank you for this; and may God richly bless you tonight during the Easter Vigil.

Idle Rambler said...

Thank you, Dominic Mary.

May you also receive many blessings and have a joyful Easter