Saturday 2 July 2011

Immaculate Heart of Mary . .

Today we celebrated the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

There's something special about a weekday Mass. Whilst it's lovely to go to Mass on a Sunday with a full church in a very active parish - with all that entails; there's something about the silences of a Mass during the week that is very appealing.

Today's Mass was even more prayerful than usual. It's difficult to put one's finger on the reason for this. Sometimes I just feel that God is more tangibly present. I think it has something to do with the silences.

God is able to enter into our hearts much more easily in the silences than in the hustle and bustle. Or perhaps it's just me and that I find I'm more receptive and ready to listen and hear what God is saying to me in the silence.

Whatever the reason, I found myself so deep in prayer after Holy Communion this morning, I missed my cue to switch on the digital organ to play the pre-recorded final hymn. I just came back down to earth with a jolt when I noticed our parish priest about to leave the sanctuary to switch the machine on himself as the person he had designated to do so was lost in rapture!

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