Friday 15 July 2011

10 Reasons to go to Confession . . .

Thanks to the link from The Anchoress on Twitter for this blog post by Sr Mary Ann Walsh on Confession.

Amongst Sr Mary's ten reasons for going to Confession she includes; housekeeping for the soul, a balm for the desire for revenge, and free therapy!

Something that struck me as being particularly helpful was 'forced time to think'.

I find that making time for a good Examination of Conscience before I go to Confession is critical in making a good Confession and 'making the most of' the Sacrament. Not that I'm saying I always manage to achieve this but I try, and as in so many things, I find that the better the preparation, the better the result and when I've rushed the preparation, I'm not usually very satisfied with the end product.

There are innumerable resources 'out there' to help us with Confession but I think there's always room for another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent ....thank you