Tuesday 15 December 2009

Frazzled . . .

So sorry folks, no time for a proper post. Maybe we'll get snowed in and then I'll have a good excuse to forget about all the shopping etc. that still needs to be done.

Have you noticed everywhere you go, you see women walking around looking 'shell-shocked' muttering to themselves, 'never again . . . I say this every year' ? Meanwhile the men look on with bemused expressions as if to say, ' I dunno what all the fuss is about - a bit of extra shopping and a glorified Sunday lunch?- it's a piece of cake' !! :-)
Update (13th January 2010)
Oh dear, I've just realised what I said! Me and my big mouth - fancy actually wishing to get 'snowed in'.


Victor S E Moubarak said...

The thing is ... women are so much better at shopping! And cooking. And cleaning. And looking after the children. And ...

Idle Rambler said...

Ha, ha Victor - Now, where have I heard that before? :0)