Sunday 20 December 2009

Our Crib is up! . . .

Yay! Our crib is out of it's wrappings and displayed in pride of place in our sitting room - all ready for the big day - or should I say the big night, as we always place the infant Jesus in the crib as soon as we get back from Midnight Mass.

We had a lovely Sunday again today. We enjoyed a delicious meal with friends last night in their home which was beautifully decorated for Christmas which really set the scene for us. This combined with the very seasonal weather and the fact that we'll all be together again shortly as a family really makes it a Super Sunday.

This morning's Mass was great with a very good homily and the children's nativity play at the end of Mass which is always guaranteed to bring a tear to the eye. We spent a relaxed afternoon decorating the tree and putting up a few decorations. I was going to say 'tasteful decorations' but then they're not really. We still tend to belong to the school of putting the same up things every year which have become part of our family tradition. When it comes to the tree, it's a case of 'pile it all on' with no regard for colour scheme, or any other scheme come to that!

Maybe one year, we'll have an adult tree with a tasteful theme which will be echoed in the other decorations but I've a feeling that day is quite a long way off.

Finally, Number One Son and I lit the fourth candle on our Advent wreath at 6pm and prayed the Angelus together - it doesn't get much better than this! God is very good!


Victor S E Moubarak said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family and a Peaceful New Year.

God bless.

Mary said...

you know that is the best kind of tree. Just put it all on. Now when I was a little girl mom would have to have at lest one thing from her mom, and one from her mom and then one that mom made and then ours. so that is like the best part. and when we were little it was always the bottom of the tree would have a lot on and the top would have nothing.

Idle Rambler said...

Thank you Victor and every Blessing to you and yours too.

Yes, Mary, that's what I think too. It's lovely to have things handed down from one generation to the next.

Catholic Student said...

Ah Grand. I helped construct the crib in Cardiff's Cathedral.. that was quite heavy!

Just in case I don't get another chance; I wish you and your family a Happy Christmas and a New Year filled with peace and joy!

Anonymous said...

Well done ! I bet it looks really lovely. The 'Angelus' is a beautiful prayer and this time of year has particular significance.