Monday 31 May 2010

Bank Holiday fun - Come on up, the food is free!

Another great email from Sr Anastasia:

Feeling a little peckish? How about this for a way to build up a healthy appetite?

First, take the tram up to the start of the trail . . .

Now follow the path . . .

Be sure to hold on to the 'railing' . . .

Keep an eye on the person in front of you . . .

Be very careful when passing someone going in the opposite directions . . .

Now just up a few steps (on the left in the photo) . . .

Gets a little steeper here so put your toes in the holes . . .

A few more steps to go . . .

Finally in sight . . .

Isn't it amazing! 'The Restaurant' This restaurant is in China. If you manage to reach the restaurant, the food is free!

Let me know how the food is . . . I'm not going!

1 comment:

Mulier Fortis said...

Aaaaarghhh... I'm with you on that one. The view would be far too likely to make me lose my lunch.