I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been glued to the TV (or news stream online) all evening.
Whatever else you might say about the recent General Election and the media coverage, no one can ever claim it's been boring!
Surely it can only be for the good that people have suddenly 'tuned in' to politics in an unprecedented way. That much is evident from the high turn-out on Thursday. Wherever you planted your cross on the ballot paper, the important thing is that you bothered to get out there and vote. That must be better for all concerned than the somewhat apathetic reaction to politics in recent times. (Doubtless due, at least in part, to the inexcusable behaviour of some of our politicians recently.)
How often has the forthcoming election been the topic of conversation in such diverse places as the local pub; High Street coffee shop; outside the school gates; in the parish club; at the gym . . . etc. ?
One of the many things that struck me this evening was the sincerity in Gordon Brown's resignation speech. And finally, now at the end of his tenure, he looked more relaxed than I think I've ever seen him before.
So, now we are all waiting to see what unfolds in the coming days, weeks and months. I think it will hold our attention for quite a little while yet.
One thing for sure, it's been fascinating to experience such a historic election first hand. Just imagine, the first Coalition Government since the 2nd World War.
Right, that's my first and last post with a political twist. I'm a little bit out of my comfort zone here but I felt I couldn't let this momentous day pass without comment.
I like your photo montage!
And yes... I don't normally do political posts, but this was too much of an event to let it go unblogged!
Thanks. :-)
How clever of you to get those pictures on your Blog so quickly. Well done.
God bless.
I went over my parents for dinner yesterday and whilst I had heard he was going to resign when I arrived my father said, 'it's just flashed up, Gord's going'.
My reaction - I ran into the living room and turned to the BBC News channel and lo' and behold there the story was! Rumours of Gord resigning when a Conservative and Lib Dem coalition was 'announced'.
And then it happened, he spoke. And it was quite emotional even for a die hard Tory such as myself. But the emotions may have been because I knew what was coming.
Rt Hon. David Cameron MP. Could he do a Thatcher and give us Conservatives 18 years in government? We'll see.
if you thought that speech was good, check out his speech to citizens UK from a couple of days prior to the election. really shows what we've just lost.
yes it has been a gripping few days
Interesting to see comments from both ends of the political spectrum. :-)
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