Monday 31 May 2010

Feast of the Visitation . . .

Today we celebrate yet another beautiful feast of Our Lady, the Feast of the Visitation.

It was at this meeting between Mary and her cousin Elizabeth that Mary first proclaimed her wonderful hymn of joy, 'The Magnificat'.

As members of Teams of Our Lady, we close our monthly meetings by praying the Magnificat together and we are also encouraged to pray the Magnificat daily at home.

It always causes a smile as we rummage for our prayer cards at the end of our meetings and someone nearly always comments, 'surely we don't need prayer cards, we must know it by heart by now!'

True enough, but I've lost count of the number of different translations I've come across over the years. Now, I often use my iPhone Apps (iBreviary, RC Calendar, Divine Office) for Evening Prayer when I don't have my breviary to hand, I've discovered yet more variations!
Here's a beautiful musical rendition which I hope you'll enjoy.


mary from MN said...

I am glad you are back on line. I have a very big blog to get out there. Has to do with the past weekend. My dad had a fight. with a yonger man and my dad came out of it with one less cain

My family is trying to see how fast it will get around the lake. Some of the others of us are trying fto see how fast it will traive around the world. :)

mary from MN said...

Ok PS I am signed in with my podcast and not my blog

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - Thanks.