Friday 28 August 2009

Help, I've been tagged!

Oh dear, I've been tagged! Well, at least they let me out!

I've seen this meme on a few blogs but now I've been tagged by Mulier fortis. I'm not very good at this sort of thing so this is a joint effort, the result of a bit of 'brainstorming' over coffee at work this morning. (Now if you'd asked me something like what are your 7 favourite ice cream flavours, or name 7 ways you'd improve Marks & Sparks' lingerie department, there'd be no stopping me!)

Here goes:

"What are the seven things that we, as Catholics, want or would like to see happen?"

1. A return to silence in church (at the appropriate times) and a general increase in reverence.

2. Improved catechesis, beginning naturally in our Catholic schools.

3. An awareness and understanding by adults that the teachings of the Church are not optional; a list for you to choose which bits you like and will adhere to and which you'll just ignore as 'they're not really important anyway, nobody bothers with that nowadays do they?'. (Catechesis again!)

4. An acceptance of the authority of the Church and the Magisterium.

5. 'Nursery rhyme hymns' are OK for tiny-tots but 'grown-up hymns' for 'grown-ups' please.

6. A sensible attitude to dress in Church. (I'm talking about the laity here! :)) I don't mean floor-length skirts and long-sleeved, buttoned-to-the-neck blouses for women and best suits for the men but what happened to 'Sunday Best' and making a little bit of an effort. We could do without the cropped tops and short shorts or the ripped jeans but thankfully they are fairly rare in our parish. Just plain ordinary clothes will do nicely, thank you.

7. Finally, a silly one - Nobody over 5' 2" tall sitting in front of me at Mass on Sunday when the benches are full and no matter how much I shuffle around from side to side I can't see what's happening in the sanctuary.

Now, I have to tag some people myself. That's almost as difficult as doing the meme. Being a fairly new blogger, I'm not sure if I know many others well enough to ask them but I'll have a go; I tag:

Fr Terry at Horsham because I always follow his blog and would be interested to hear his ideas.

Catholic Student at Veni Sancte Spiritus because it might get him blogging again - he's used that 'settling into new student accommodation' excuse for too long now!

Catholicmomof10militant and James and Ella Preest at Catholic and Loving it! who I'm sure will have no difficulty in coming up with 7 things.


Mulier Fortis said...

Excellent choices - I hope you enjoyed doing the meme!

St John's, Horsham said...

Happy to try ...

1. More Catholics who love the Mass.
2. Masses which are both reverent and joyful.
3. Music at Mass which is fit for purpose.
4. A gradual cessation of Children's Liturgy.
5. More emphasis, in local parish communities, on family life and marriage.
6. Priests who smile!
7. Sacrament of Confession being more readily available.

Idle Rambler said...

Thank you Fr Terry. Nothing there I could quibble with, I don't think.

Catholic Student said...

I was saddened to hear of your hiatus from blogging! Hurry back soon!

I have however posted my version of the 7 on my blog :-)

In Domino