Sunday 30 August 2009

Back to school . . .

I received this video from Fr Leo a while ago but think now's quite a good time to post it. The shops are full of 'back to school' offers and as any one will know who's tried it, now is not the time to go and buy shoes if you're in a hurry - the whole world it seems is busy getting their children's feet measured for new shoes for the new school year.

If you have older children, I'm sure you've had the usual argument with the boys about tucking their school shirt in - it's just not cool so you're fighting a losing battle but this video puts a whole new complexion on it. Frightening!


Baby Brother said...

I thought the answer was for Dad to go about with shirt hanging out, kids don't want to look like dads so they tuck theirs in?

Idle Rambler said...

Oh yes, BB, the 'psychological' approach :)