Saturday 10 May 2008

Don't you just love the garden on a sunny day?

I really enjoy taking photos of flowers, especially at this time of year. They are so obliging; unlike people, they stand still (more or less) and pose nicely for you without looking awkward. I think Spring is my favourite season but for me, all four seasons have their own particular merits. I wouldn't want to live in a country that has sunshine all year round. That may sound strange to some people but I think that Spring is all the more special because it follows the contrasts of Winter and the changing seasons have a beauty all of their own.

There's something very special about seeing the first signs of new growth after weeks of cold weather when the garden looks barren. As the days lengthen and we see and feel the benefit of more hours of sunshine, so we see more and more colour in the garden. It's a gradual process and the big blowsy blooms of summer would not seem right in the weaker sunshine of a Spring day.


Lil said...

yes, would love to experience the four seasons, Lil

Anonymous said...

hmmph, i'm waiting for them to invent artificial lawns. also language pills. sound like anyone?

(i've already forgotten my log-in/password i created last time i commented. didn't get an email about it. bah!)