Friday 9 May 2008

It's a rat race

I had an interesting phone call today at work. A's secretary rang to say she had been charged with organising a dinner for A and two of his colleagues and their wives (including us) so she was ringing around the wives to ask them to check their diaries.
A slightly surreal conversation when you think about it. What does it say about our lives when rather than a man coming home and asking his wife if they are both free to go out to dinner with two other couples on a particular date, it is necessary for the secretary of these men to ring and ask on their behalf? But sadly, I can see that this is necessary. Sometimes I just want to shout, 'Stop the world. I want to get off!'

Nevertheless, I'm sure we'll have a good evening and at least it will give all the wives a chance to get to know one another a bit better, and also enable us to spend an evening with our husbands for a change.

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