Monday, 21 July 2008

And finally ...

Just a few more photos before I finally 'put the topic to bed'.

The Pieta outside the church at the top of the Sainte Baume mountain.

I particularly like this shot of the men putting the cover on the swimming pool. 'Heave ho, lads'

Finally reached the end of our journey in France. Relieved to find the tunnel terminal very quiet and have a relaxed half an hour before we caught the shuttle.

A just making sure he doesn't get hungry between France and England!

Just one more photo then, before we put the camera away.


Lil said...

Your whole trip to France has been so lovely and so scenic.
Were you saying your prayers while Adrian perched one the edge?
( What were they???)

Ruwani would approve of the colour of your Notebook. She bought something at Tiffanys Singapore and was affronted that we did not recognise the colour of the box when she pulled it out to show us.

Congrats on the Scrabble wins - let's play more.
Take care, Lil

Idle Rambler said...

Poor Ru! Still I'm sure the contents of the box made up for nobody recognising where it came from!