Saturday, 19 July 2008

What a welcome!

We had a very good run down to Besançon where we stayed overnight before continuing our journey on Sunday morning after a super breakfast at the Campanile hotel. We spent a very frustrating couple of hours trying to find a Catholic church locally for Sunday Mass, either on Saturday evening or Sunday morning. We eventually found the local church but Mass is only celebrated there on alternate Sundays and, as luck would have it, we had arrived on the 'wrong' Sunday! We asked several people but no one had any ideas so we drove into town but just couldn't find a Catholic church - quite unexpected really. We have always been able to find a church for Sunday Mass whenever we've been away from home.

We decided to go to the local church near our friends' house as we knew we would arrive in good time on the following day.

We arrived at our friends' house to a very warm welcome and after a drink and settling in we set off to church as we were in plenty of time for Mass at the Basilica of Mary Magdalene in St Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume. We had a very good look around the beautiful building and went into the crypt to see the relics of St Mary Magdalene held there and say a prayer or two but alas, no Mass - every evening at 6pm except Sunday, apparently!

Our friends took us around 'their' village and the photo shows us in front of the cloister of the old 'Couvente' which is now an hotel.

Another shot of the beautiful convent and you can see the tables set out for dinner within the cloister.

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