Wednesday 17 September 2008

Guess who's been to the garden centre??

I've had a lovely day today. It started well with a little lie-in as it's my day off, then continued well as the weather was mild and dry and then I visited the Garden Centre!!

It's a bit like letting a child loose in a sweet shop. Knowing that I have several brand new empty flower beds to fill and a shop full of beautiful plants, it was a really enjoyable experience. As you can see I've not planted the new arrivals yet but have laid them out where I think I want them to be. I'll wait a few days in case I change my mind before planting.


Anonymous said...

Very nice plants. What are they and where did you get them? Danny

Idle Rambler said...


Yes, aren't they! Mainly fuchsias and lavenders with a few mini cyclamen and pansies for winter colour.

The spikey one at the back is Heuchera.

All perennials so good value.

Idle Rambler said...

Sorry, I forgot to answer the second part of your question. I got them from Woodcote Garden Centre.