Wednesday 25 February 2009

Sunset Boulevard ...

Yes, we did have a really good evening last night. We went to see Sunset Boulevard at The Comedy Theatre in London. It's a fairly small theatre with a very intimate feel about it - lovely. It was an excellent production. What a talented cast! A fairly small group of actors who effortlessly (or so it seemed) switched back and forth between being instrumentalists to singers to dancers and very convincing actors. It was amazing to watch.

We were lucky again to have time for a quick pre-show drink and a light meal. This time we found another lovely, friendly pub, The Imperial, very close to the theatre, which served delicious food, and very efficiently too. It was fairly full with a mixture of people having an after-work drink, tourists and theatre-goers but we managed to find a table straight away (thank goodness as I really don't like standing and drinking in a pub).

A good run home in the coach and safely tucked up in bed by midnight. Perfect!

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