Thursday 30 April 2009

May Day . . .

Tomorrow is May Day as we all know. There are all sorts of customs associated with the 1st May in England. I remember at primary school practising maypole dancing ready for the school May fayre and our own parish school still takes part in the maypole dancing in the local May Fayre with crowning of a May Queen, stalls, games, food and other fundraising activities.

They may not have particularly Christian associations but I think it's good to continue our local customs and we Catholics have the whole month dedicated to Our Lady so I don't think we can begrudge others one day to celebrate in a more secular way.

I was browsing for some good pictures of maypole dancing and came across this superstition associated with 1st May.

"First thing in the morning on May 1st, young girls used to rush out into the garden to wash their faces in the May dew.

Why? There is an old tale that says that May dew has magic properties and that anyone who has washed their face in it will have a beautiful complexion all through the year. This dew was supposed to be able to remove freckles and also spots and pimples

I must remember to set my alarm clock a lot earlier tomorrow morning - I don't want to miss out on that. Mind you, I gave up worrying about my freckles a long time ago!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be out early too; it's a much cheaper and better remedy to wash in the May dew than purchase that 'Protect and Perfect'.I believe one needs to perform the 'ritual' for seven mornings but I would do anything to keep that 'Peter Pan' look !!