Wednesday 4 August 2010

Saints, Feast Days etc. . . .

One of the many things that I like about the Catholic Church (a very simplistic way of looking at things, I know) is the wealth of Saints to inspire us.

Today, for example we have the memorial of St Jean-Marie Vianney, Patron of Parish Priests.

I often hear people saying things like, 'oh, so-and-so is one my favourite saints' or 'I have a special devotion to St so-and-so'. I just wouldn't be able to choose a few out of the many. It seems to me that quite often when we are celebrating a particular Saint's feast day, that particular saint has something special to say to me.

How fortunate for me that today's feast falls on a Wednesday. This is my day off and I usually manage to get to morning Mass in a church where there is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass and a brief period of Adoration finishing with Benediction. Probably only about 15 minutes in total but what a special 15 minutes that is. A privileged time to spend with Our Lord in prayer. Coincidentally, it's also just about the time it takes me to pray five decades of the Rosary so today I was able to pray for all parish priests, remembering especially those known to me.

Funny how these things seem to work out, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Thank you for praying for all parish priests on this feast of St John Vianney ; may God bless you abundantly.

Anonymous said...

Bless you for following the 'Catholic Gossip' blog.

It's truly wonderful to spend time with the Lord during adoration and to pray the Rosary!