Monday 27 July 2009

School's out . . .

I know it's not a new phenomenon but I was really struck today by the number of grandparents in our local shopping centre who were obviously looking after grandchildren now that the school holidays have begun.

I realise how fortunate I was that I was able to be at home with our children both before they started school, and out of school hours too right up until they were into their teens. But I wasn't alone in this. When I used to drop the boys off at primary school and pick them up afterwards, the mums at the school gates were just that, 'mums' and not grandparents, childminders or au pairs. I know I'm showing my age!

I suppose it's a sign of the times, that people need two incomes just to be able to pay the mortgage but I feel sad that the mums today miss out on that precious time with their children when they're small, especially when they're under five years old.

On the other hand, people say that the children learn to socialise a lot earlier and are better at mixing with others and it makes the transition from home to school much less of a wrench for them. There are pros and cons to everything, I suppose.

Happy summer holidays to everyone anyway whatever you're doing this summer.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Sorry that you are unable to get into my blog I did not know that was happening. I will be looking at it. and try and come back later.