Wednesday 1 July 2009

South of France?

As usual on my day off, I went for a little walk in the morning; today it was to meet a friend at a local coffee shop. As I walked along the footpath at the side of the road in the blazing sunshine, I couldn't believe the sound of the crickets in the grass verge. It really felt like I was in the south of France. I tried to record the sound on a video so that I could post it here but they must have known what I was up to as every time I pressed the record button there was a deafening silence!

Later in the day I went to the garden centre and passed another sign that maybe I'd been teleported to a village in Provence. Coming up to a mini roundabout you pass a beautiful lavender field which today was magnificent - just a sea of purple. On the return journey you get a better view as you are looking down on it slightly as it lies in a dip. There's an amusing sign on the roadside warning motorists of 'purple hazard ahead'. True, it can be quite a shock if you're not expecting it. I couldn't take my own photos as I was driving but found this one on the web.

So, not South of France after all but South of England. We're certainly enjoying Mediterranean weather at the moment though. I'm not looking forward to the thunderstorms when they eventually arrive as they inevitably will after this prolonged spell of hot weather.

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