Thursday 22 July 2010

Lavandula and Mrs Popple - good bedfellows!

I'm probably not alone in checking the weather forecast more frequently than usual at the moment and actually hoping for rain!

This is the new picture for my blog header but I can't get it to show the whole thing so I'm showing you here.

I've really enjoyed this long spell of warm, sunny weather and I don't want it to end but my poor plants are very thirsty!

This morning I actually had a few minutes in hand and as I looked out into the garden munching my way through a huge helping of muesli I realised that at least the lavender is loving all this sunshine and couldn't resist popping out and taking a few photos to 'capture the moment'.


kee said...

Beautiful photos of what looks like a lovely garden, Ellen! I'm afraid our garden is pretty much non-existent at the moment due to a combination of me being pregnant and the wish that we could move to our own place, but I do have a little Lavender plant struggling among the weeds. I love lavender and agree it looks very happy next to Mrs Popple!
Thanks for completing the meme and explaining your choices so well. I think it is a great idea. Like a river of prayer running around the world -which must be a good thing.

Idle Rambler said...

Thank you, Kee. Of course everything looks better in a photograph and naturally I only snap the best bits, not the parched grass and all the weeds.

Besides which I should think you have more than enough on your hands at the moment to worry about gardening; what with your two young'uns and another soon to be 'delivered'! :-)