Thursday 1 July 2010

Shanks' Pony . . .

My car's been in the garage since Monday evening having all sorts of 'remedial works' done. Luckily I've been able to cadge lifts to & from work but it didn't work out yesterday so it was an hour's walk home for me. I'm not complaining; I really enjoy walking & don't often have the chance to fit a decent walk into a working day.

Yes, you guessed it - there is a 'but' on the way . . .

I really enjoyed the walk but maybe 'Fitflops' was not the best choice of footwear!

Nicely aching calves but I've got to face it - my legs are never going to look like this! :0)


Victor S E Moubarak said...

Hey ... I'm really sorry to hear about your car and that you're tired with all the walking.

But I've learnt something new ... is that where the saying "Shank's Pony" comes from. A wartime poster and campaign?

God bless.

Idle Rambler said...

Yes, Victor, there were some great slogans in use during the wars weren't there?