Saturday 30 January 2010

Wasting time - again!

Saturday afternoons can go either way for me - either I am very industrious and spend hours in front of the ironing board listening to the football on Five Live until my ironing basket is empty . . . or . . . as was the case today, I spend ages messing about doing nothing in particular until I suddenly realise it's time I thought about preparing a meal for 'the troops' - oops!

I came across this fun quiz on Molly's blog 'Faith of a Convert' - a new one for me. I find it very encouraging that there are so many young Catholic bloggers out there. Anyway, I haven't posted a quiz for a while so I thought I'd do this one.

I hope you have a go yourself. I'm not sure what the men are supposed to do - maybe there's a 'Which Jane Austen Hero are You?' out there somewhere.

I am Elinor Dashwood!

Take the Quiz here!


Anonymous said...

Fun quiz! I got Elizabeth Bennet! :)

Idle Rambler said...

Ahah, you got 1st prize! Though to be fair, I think Elinor is probably a more accurate assessment of my personality.