Wednesday 4 March 2009

A day off ...

Today was my day off, and as usual I have a mental list of all the things that I'd like to do. I think I may have mentioned this before, sorry. If I manage a couple of things from my list I think I've done quite well. Here are some of the items that make it to my list most weeks:

Have a little lie-in, i.e. get up at least half an hour later than usual.

Go to Mass.

Go for a walk.

Do several loads of washing.

Tackle the ironing. (Why do we always 'tackle' the ironing, I wonder?)

Do a bit of shopping.

Have a bit of a tidy up at home and sort out some of the piles of domestic paperwork.

Do a bit of gardening if the weather's not bad.

Have some time for myself doing something purely for me.

etc. etc. . . .

Today didn't start that well as I overslept and missed Mass. A good thing happened on my walk though. As I was nearly home, I heard the Angelus Bell (midday) ring out from our local church so I was able to walk the last few hundred metres praying the Angelus as I walked along in the sunshine. A little thing but it really pleased me and although it didn't compensate for missing Mass, I feel at least I didn't have a completely God-less day!

As to the other things on my list, I managed some ironing but the basket still looks fairly full as new stuff gets added all the time. Does anyone else feel a bit like Sisyphus pushing that old boulder up the hill when they think about ironing, or housework in general?

I also had a lovely wander around the shops looking at all the new season's clothes that are now appearing everywhere. (That was purely for me!)


Mary said...

what is the Angelus prayer? I am trying to get a bit more prayers that are not to hard to remeber. So if the angelus prayer is not to long I would love it if you could send it my way.

Idle Rambler said...


The Angelus is on the prayer card at the top of the post but it's not very clear, I'm afraid. In between each verse you say the Hail, Mary. It's quite easy to remember. I'll send you the full prayer to your blog.