Friday 13 March 2009

Hands off our chocolate!

Have you heard the news? When I heard that there had been discussions amongst GPs in Scotland about taxing chocolate in a bid to reduce the number of people suffering from obesity, I was seriously worried!

I can tell you, I was all ready to 'march on Westminster' if this heinous suggestion had actually been taken up. If this dreadful act could be perpetrated North of the Border, there's no telling where it might stop.

But never fear, Chocolate-lovers, it appears that chocolate is safe for the time being. Surely in times of crisis, such as we face today, we need our chocolate even more!

Anyone for a deep-fried Mars bar? :)


Anonymous said...

Curly Wurly, higher batter to choc ratio.

Idle Rambler said...

Ha ha Michael, and thanks for being my 1,000th visitor!

Anonymous said...

Well' what next. I thought we had economic problems or have I been dreaming. This government is 'cuckoo' and the quicker they get out or are put out the better for all of us.