Tuesday 20 October 2009

Everybody's talking about it . . .

It's all over the 'blogosphere'. Everyone is talking about the News Conference this morning with Archbishop Vincent Nichols and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.

This was timed to take place at the same time as the announcement in Rome from the CDF. Thanks to The Hermeneutic of Continuity for the link and for the tip off that something very interesting was expected this morning.

After Mass this morning, I tried various news sites for details and couldn't find anything but got a link from Twitter (amazing how quickly news gets around by 'tweeting').

As a former Anglican myself, it is heartening to hear any news concerning a possible solution to the difficult question of how to integrate into the Catholic Church those Anglicans who wish to be received into Full Communion with Rome whilst still retaining some of their Anglican traditions.

Now I have to go and look up all these 'long words'! 'Ordinariates', 'Apostolic C0nstitution' . . .


Catholic Student said...

Is it me or does Dr. Williams look slightly down-cast in that picture??

Idle Rambler said...

Well, I think I'd be 'slightly downcast' if I were in his shoes at the moment!