Man of sorrows, wrapt in grief,
Bow your ear to our relief;
You for us the path have trod
Of the dreadful wrath of God;
You the cup of fire have drained
Till its light alone remained.
Lamb of love our comfort be:
Hear our mournful litany.
By the garden filled with woe,
Where to rest you oft would go;
By your agony of prayer
In the desolation there;
By the dire and deep distress
More than human mind can guess,
Lord, our grief in mercy see:
Hear our fervent litany.
By that bitter cup of pain,
When your strength began to wane;
By those lips which once did pray
That it might but pass away;
By the heart that drank it dry
Lest the human race should die,
In your pity grant our plea,
Hear our solemn litany.
Man of sorrows, let your grief
Purchase for us our relief;
Lord of mercy, bow your ear,
Slow to anger, swift to hear:
By the cross's royal road,
Lead us to the throne of God,
There to sing triumphantly
Heaven's glorious litany.
(Matthew Bridges)
I love this hymn that we've just begun praying at Morning Prayer this week. Like many hymns, it can be used as a very good meditation. I just thought I'd share it with you.
I have to say that I find a lot of the hymns in The Divine Office rather banal; but, as you rightly say, this is a good one - indeed I tend to feel that the choice of hymns is like a certain famous young lady 'When she's good she's very, very good; and when she's bad . . .' !
Thank you for sharing this one.
That's lovely.
Coming back to the church from a time being vaguely 'Evangelical', I have learned that good hymns can help us to pray, and teach us theological concepts. And 'bad' hymns can confuse our understanding of the faith.
I have a new appreciation of the kind of hymns that I formerly thought of as dreary.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Nice to meet a fellow blogger from Surrey! I live in London, but I'm staying with my parents in Weybridge at the moment ( just for a couple of days) to keep the littles out of the house whilst we are having a new floor laid. Much as I love London, it's nice to get away and into a bit more space and green!
Oh! I was saving this picture for my Good Friday post!
Oops, sorry MOTL. That's happened to me before. It's a great picture though so I'm sure it's worth repeating.
I'm impressed - you're planning your Good Friday post already! :-)
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