Monday 1 March 2010

Gwnewch y pethau bychain . . .

'Gwnewch y pethau bychain' - 'Do the little things'

Happy St David's Day to all my Welsh friends and readers.

Not being Welsh myself, I know very little about St David or 'Dewi' as he's often referred to in Welsh. After a little research, one of the things I discovered is that among his last words to his followers, in his final Sermon, he said,

'Be joyful and keep your faith and your creed. Do the little things that you have seen me do and heard about.'

That sounds pretty good advice to me, whether Welsh, English, Scottish, Irish or of any other nationality. In the same way that little or venial sins can lead to more serious sin, little acts of charity can gain momentum and bring great results. We all know about the ripple effect. I've decided I'm going to try and bear that in mind during Lent.


breadgirl said...

Good Morning Miss Ellen E

What a nice surprise! I just dropped in to wish you a VERY HAPPY ST DAVID'S DAY and I find your wonderful post on the man himself. Thank you so much.

Enjoy the day and God bless you.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Happy St David's day.

God bless.

Catholic Student said...

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Dedwydd!

Idle Rambler said...

Catholic Student

'Diolch yn fawr'!