Sunday 21 March 2010

Vernal Equinox - Spring bulbs and weeds!

Yay, it's the Vernal Equinox at last! Actually to be precise it occurred yesterday at 17.32 GMT.

You're never too old to learn, are you? I always think of the Equinoxes occurring on the 21st of the month but I've just discovered today that the date varies from year to year. It's all to do with Leap Years and that the Earth takes approximately 365.25 days to go around the Sun. We have to allow for that extra 0.25 day somehow.

In case you couldn't guess, science was never my strong suit (I've yet to discover what is!) so I'm expecting all those science teachers out there to correct me on this one.

All that matters to me is that the days and nights are roughly the same length at the Equinoxes and the Vernal Equinox is the beginning of Spring, and more importantly, the end of Winter - hooray!

When I heard the weather forecast last night and the promise of a lovely day, I decided that I would have a good few hours in between Mass and Rosary and Benediction to get out in the garden and do some much-needed tidying up.

I should have learned, it's never a good idea to make plans - something always seems to get in the way of their being realised. I woke up this morning with a rotten head-cold and spent that time dosing myself up with hot lemon etc. and resting. Still I did manage to take a few photos. A lot more leaves and weeds in evidence than there might have been if all had gone to plan.

I thought I might get away with sneaking this tiny little gnome into the pot on our front doorstep - none of the family have commented in the 5 years of so since he took up residence!

You may remember a few weeks ago, when we had a lovely mild day which actually coincided with my day off, I mentioned that I'd visited the local garden centre. These pansies are only now beginning to show signs of life after our long winter.
Crocuses, a bit late but much in evidence.

Again, quite a bit later than normal, the first few opening buds on the camellia. The shrub is covered with loads of big juicy buds so promise of a great display to come.

By the way, I did get to Mass, and Rosary and Benediction was beautiful - O Salutaris, Tantum Ergo and Adoremus. People still remember the Latin and join in with gusto.


Anonymous said...

Miss Ellen E, you did the most important and most fruitful .....bulbs and weeds for another day.............keep praying . Hope you feel better soonn.

Idle Rambler said...

Thanks :-)