Well, after my 'day of decadence' yesterday what more salutary lesson could there be than today's Gospel reading at Mass - the story of the rich man and the beggar at his gate. This is one of those readings that is always guaranteed to make me squirm in my suburban comfort.
You can bet that when I went to the supermarket today, I made a bee-line for our local Big Issue seller who always stands at the entrance to our local shopping centre. He must have wondered what was up as I gave him my very 'bestest' smile and greeted him like a long-lost friend (not that I usually ignore him, of course).
"My son, remember that during your life you received good things, just as Lazarus received bad."
"Save us from the blind pursuit of wealth; make us sensitive to the needs of others"
You'll have to keep it up now with the Big Issue seller. Either that or change supermarkets!
Good morning Ellen E
Yep, some of those Gospels make us squirm, don't they. I think that is a good thing though, don't you? It at least shows we are HEARING. The next step, of course, is HEEDING, which you certainly seemed to do in this case. Nice little post. Thanks and God bless you.
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