A very rare occurrence in our family today - the Pater Familias and I had a day out together in the middle of the week . . . and even rarer - we went shopping together.
Of course being a woman, I quite often have a 'mooch' around the shops on my day off, but to do this with one's 'nearest and dearest' is not usually my preferred option. The PF shops likes a typical man and I'm sure most women readers will understand what I mean by this. But, over the years we've reached a compromise on the rare occasions when we shop together. In fact when I say 'shop together' what I really mean is; we travel to the shops together and leave together, and maybe meet at an agreed time for coffee or something to eat but otherwise we go our own sweet way. It works for us!
The PF had suggested an outing to the new Westfield Centre near Shepherd's Bush a while ago and as he'd had a meeting cancelled today, he 'nobly' postponed his other appointments so that he could drive us there (a few brownie points earned there, I think!
I wouldn't want to do this too often, but it was quite fun living the high live for a few hours. Back to normal tomorrow and feet firmly on the ground.
Thank You !
I'd been toying with the idea of a visit in the interests of informing myself.
I now know that it would only be a proximate occasion of sin for me, so can cross it off the list without needing to go to the trouble and expense of finding out for myself !
Mind you : Louis Vuitton in Shepherd's Bush ? . . . How infra dig !
Naturally, Dominic Mary, you understand, I only went to research the place for my readers :-)
Lent is probably not the best time to visit either. One seemed to be beset by temptations of an edible nature at every turn with big displays of sweets, chocolates, pastries and Italian ice-creams. I think we did very well to come out with change from £20 (excluding coffees and car parking)!
No - surely Lent is the time to go : more temptation to resist ! :o)
The really penitential thing to do would be to go there and sit right next to somewhere with wonderful food, and fabulous smells wafting over you, and say the Penitential Psalms . . . and then go home to beans on toast !
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